A question that we get asked a lot is “why should I use a structural engineer for foundation inspections if I can a foundation repair company to do it for free?” That is a totally legitimate question. Why should you pay for a structural engineer for foundation inspections with all these companies giving “free” foundation inspections?
Well, have you ever been to get you oil changed in your car and they want to do a “free 10 point inspection?”
How much do you truly trust those inspections and the recommendations that come from them? Think about it. Unless you really trust your mechanic, you know that the point of the inspection is to sell you things that you likely don’t need. This scenario is the same for foundation repair companies offering “free foundation inspections.” They are not really interested in what is the best for you and your home or business, but with how much they can sell you.
There are other reasons to hire a structural engineer for your foundation inspection. Here are a few:
1. Structural Engineers are highly qualified
Structural engineers are professionals. They are not just technicians. Structural systems is what they do. They are trained and educated to build and design structures, assess structures and foundations for damage and offer the best recommendations for foundation repair if needed.
Typically, to become a licensed structural engineer requires:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
- Five year internship under a professional engineer prior to licensing.
This comprehensive education and experience ensures that when you get a structural engineer to do your foundation inspection, you are getting a professional who knows what they are doing and will be held accountable to the standards of both licensure and their education.
2. You don’t have to listen to a sales pitch
As mentioned above, with a structural engineer, you get an unbiased foundation inspection with no sales pitch. A structural engineer, unlike a foundation repair company, is not trying to sell you anything. They are there just to inspect the foundation and have no incentive to do anything but a good job.
3. A Structural Engineering Report

When they complete the inspection of your foundation, a structural engineer will furnish you with a structural engineering report. The engineering report includes proper and clear documentation of any damage to the foundation as well as the recommended repair and/or other remediating actions to take, such as drainage upgrades. Most cities and municipalities in the DFW area require a engineering report to obtain permits for foundation repair.
Additionally, this report gives you the power to get the best repair company for your specific foundation issues, and gives clear descriptions of the scope of work necessary to repair the foundation. This keeps unscrupulous repair companies from trying to oversell you on piers that you may not need.
Why Choose Lange Engineering as your Structural Engineer vs. Foundation Repair Company?
With over 7,000 foundation inspections completed to date and a reputation for detailed reports and fast turn-around time, Lange Engineering strives to help home and business owners with their foundation issues. Foundation problems are a common occurrence in the Dallas, Plano, Arlington and surrounding areas. Our goal is to help you navigate this geographical inconvenience with excellent service and accurate and detailed reports.
With Lange Engineering you get:
- A foundation inspection performed by Eric Lange, a licensed professional engineer in Texas. (Other firms often use unlicensed engineers and technicians.)
- Detailed foundation engineer report including drawings of the foundation and its condition that exceed ASCE Level B industry standards
- Same Day engineer reports. No waiting.
- Disclosure of the findings immediately following the inspection.
Give us a call or schedule an inspection online. We look forward to working with you.
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